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For comments or suggestions about this site,
please contact:

Montreal  Children's  Hospital - Research  Institute,
Dr Rima Rozen Laboratory,
Medical  Genetics,  Room  242
4060 Ste-Catherine West, Montreal
Quebec, Canada
H3Z  2Z3

Phone: (514) 412-4400 x23281
FAX: (514) 412-4331

Welcome  to

For comments or suggestions about this site,
please contact:

Montreal  Children's  Hospital - Research  Institute,
Dr Rima Rozen Laboratory,
Medical  Genetics,  Room  242
4060 Ste-Catherine West, Montreal
Quebec, Canada
H3Z  2Z3

Phone: (514) 412-4400 x23281
FAX: (514) 412-4331
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This page was last updated on: 24 December, 2008